Pivot Interactives

We created streamlined website copy that clearly communicated the core of Pivot Interactives’ mission: To provide engaging, interactive science lessons to teachers. Their original website copy wasn’t resonating with their audience, so they came to us for help clarifying their message and communicating their value. We helped them develop a StoryBrand BrandScript and created website copy that matches their messaging and excites their audience.

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The Challenge

Pivot Interactives came to us because their current website copy just wasn’t working. Through conversations with their prospects, they discovered the language they were using was not resonating with educators and the value of their product was not coming across. 

To solve this problem, they needed help with three things:

  • Explaining the 5 pillars of their business in a way that was concise and easy to understand. 
  • Refining how they talked about their product so it more closely aligned with their brand identity. 
  • Creating website copy that spoke to diverse audience groups — higher education institutions, school districts, individual schools, administrators, educators.

The Solution

We worked directly with Pivot’s Marketing Manager to clarify their messaging and create a StoryBrand BrandScript. In the messaging workshop, we narrowed down: 

  • who their primary audience was
  • what their pain points were
  • the value of their product to that audience
  • the language that would surround their product

With this information, we created their BrandScript, which our copywriters used to create compelling homepage copy that communicated the purpose of Pivot’s product and its value.

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Pivot Results


The Pivot Interactives team left our engagement with revitalized website copy that better resonated with their diverse audience. It clearly communicates the purpose of their product and asserts its three major benefits for educators. Plus, they can now create more consistency in the message they communicate by applying their BrandScript to their website and other channels.

Become Irreplaceable

Your business is either a replaceable commodity or an irreplaceable brand. What you become is determined by your marketing — and we can help with that.