How to Know What Marketing Metrics to Track

Ashlee Rolkowski on April 10, 2023

How do you know if your marketing is working?

There’s a seemingly endless list of metrics that you can track for any given campaign and initiative. The trouble is deciding which ones give you valuable information and which aren’t really relevant to your efforts.

In this podcast, Ashlee and our Director of Client Services Kate Cygan discuss how to choose the right metrics to track for your marketing campaigns.

First and foremost, it’s important to remember that there are no hard and fast rules for which metrics to follow. Every campaign is different and so your KPIs will be too. Kate suggests taking the time before starting your campaign to identify what you’re trying to accomplish and what you want your metrics to tell you.

“There are certain KPIs that will tell you if you’re moving toward that goal,” she notes. Those are the most important to keep your eye on.

Kate adds that metrics can be grouped into three main goal categories:

  • Increasing qualified leads
  • Increasing awareness
  • Understanding your website performance

Listen to the podcast to learn more about each of these buckets and how you can use your goals to identify meaningful KPIs.

Ashlee Rolkowski
Ashlee Rolkowski
Ashlee thrives on the fast-paced environment that is marketing. She gets a great deal of enjoyment out of organizing any and all things and loves helping her clients tackle their unique set of challenges.

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